Friday, April 11, 2014

Introductory Paragraph

Abraham Lincoln once said "The thing about the future is that its one day at a time." This means each day comes by as we live to the next day/future. I agree, everyday is measured in time of our future. This can be clearly seen The Haunting of Gabriel Ashe by Dan Poblocki. A Ghost/Hunter from the past comes to the future, that was born in a non existed world from a game.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

  I  Am Gabriel Ashe

I Am  scared and  horrified
I  wonder what's outside the woods
I hear things outside the woods
I see a creature outside the woods
I want it to stop
I am scared and horrified

I pretend its not real
I feel cold
I touch strange things
I worry losing my friends
I cry when I am alone
I am scared and horrified

I understand its dangerous
I say is out their
I dream that is real
I try to hide
I hope is a dream
I am scared and horrified

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Number 31
It was June, my birthday is around the corner. We are in panama city, FL; The sun set was perfect. As the four of us, Lana, Wilson, Leo, and I were walking across the shore of the beach. Until then we saw something flying, it was Super Puppy!! Super puppy is a hero who fights crime and saves lives. As Super Puppy was flying he warned us about a tsunami. We were shocked, Super puppy guide us to safety. We got to the highest hotel, and all of sudden a tornado came and said, "I'm going to destroy you." We were up for no good. Wilson decided we should split up. Lana thought it was too dangerous. Leo and I had to make a choice to stay together or split up. One group goes and help super puppy fight the tornado. The other group helps people out side get to safety. Our final decision has been made. Lana and Leo stay near the hotel and alarm people and go to safety. Wilson and I went to help super puppy fight the tornado. Hours has gone by, but the plan doesn't seem to be working. I was getting tired and I got weak. Super puppy boost my speed and power, and I gave one last super punch to the tornado. The tornado was  finally defeated. His final words were "I get you next time!!" We have saved the day, if it wasn't for super puppy, we would of been be doom.